What is Honda Xcelerator Ventures?
Honda Xcelerator Venturesは、Hondaとホンダ・イノベーションズがグローバルに展開するオープンイノベーションプログラムです。Hondaとホンダ・イノベーションズは、未来のモビリティやサステイナブルな世界を目指す革新的なスタートアップと共に、出資、パートナーシップ、共同開発、PoC試作など幅広いサポートを提供し、新しい価値を協創していきます。
What we offer
私たちホンダ・イノベーションズは、スタートアップに Honda の持つ様々なナレッジ、リソースを提供し、共同事業、共同開発といった協業を行っています。 より良い未来をHondaと共に創りたい、Hondaと同じチャレンジャースピリットに溢れるスタートアップを募集しています。
Our Focus Areas




Who We Are

I am responsible for sourcing startups, conducting due diligence, and connecting with founders/investors at Honda Xcelerator Ventures.
Prior to joining Honda, I was an analyst at Tech Square Ventures and director at gener8tor focused on future mobility and smart manufacturing.
My previous experience in the innovation ecosystem has helped me to better serve startups in multiple verticals including mobility, manufacturing, robotics, and sustainability.
I am a proud double badger from Madison, Wisconsin with a Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics.
Hyundo Kwon

Before joining the Honda Xcelerator Ventures team, I was co-founder and chief operating officer of LearningPal, a computer vision startup which was acquired by Ripcord in April 2022. Prior to that, I was the Director of Strategic Partnership of MoBagel, an AutoML startup backed by 500 Global and other top VCs, where I was responsible for global business development and fundraising in U.S., Europe and Japan. I enjoy being deeply embedded in the innovation ecosystem and contribute time to early-stage investment entities, including Oxford Angel Fund and Taiwan Global Angels and mentor at different accelerators including Techstars and Alchemist. I have a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering degree from Oxford and two years of doctoral study at UC Berkeley-UCSF.
Austin Hwang

I love investigating all types of new and unique technologies. With over 20 years of diverse automotive experience in the areas of wireless communications, vehicle automation, active safety, infotainment, and HMI, I have seen almost everything! I have witnessed the car evolve from the cassette player with cruise control to Android Auto with automated driving and everything in between! I hold a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University.
Eric Blumbergs

I strive to find ways to bring strategic investment and partnership opportunities systematically and creatively to Honda. I had previously worked on projects related to autonomous and assisted driving, and robotics. I am excited about the industry transition to a cleaner and safer future. Prior to joining Honda, I led the business and technologies development of joint solutions with startups in the areas of IoT, security, and networking for Cisco. M&A and investment were also part of my Cisco career. I began my career as an engineer and an architect who developed hardware boards and solutions. I enjoy working with the talented professionals at Honda and the dynamic and impactful nature of the job.
Raymond Zheng

I am in charge of sourcing the most innovative and unique European startups serving Honda strategy and development. Born in Paris and based in Berlin, I have a technical background in aerospace engineering, a strong interest for entrepreneurship and its learnings. I’m particularly passionate about climate startups with deep tech approaches in the field of sustainable material sourcing, carbon capture, green manufacturing among other topics.
Aurianne Legris

As the program lead for Europe and Africa, I help the team building connections with the most outstanding startups for Honda Xcelerator Ventures in the region.
Born in Paris and based in Berlin, I have a founder and innovation consulting background and I have built a deep knowledge of the startup ecosystem. I’m particularly passionate about deep tech startups in the fields of energy transition, decarbonization, robotics, and AI.
I believe that entrepreneurs can change the World and I am happy to support visionary founders as part of my everyday job.
Julien Fredonie

As the leader of Honda Xcelerator Ventures activity in Israel I connect Israeli startups with our corporate and aim to facilitate technological collaborations between Honda’s experts and Israeli technologies.
Prior to joining Honda Innovations, I served as a technology scout for an automotive tier 1 focusing on the Israeli innovation ecosystem and held past innovation sourcing positions in the renewable energy, agriculture, and chemical spaces. I hold an MBA in entrepreneurship and innovation from Ben-Gurion University. I like Honda’s technological openness – our Honda Xcelerator Ventures program is aiming for diversified, corporate-wide impact leveraging its global outreach – a truly unique open innovation approach in a traditional automotive industry.
Ben Reuveni

As my duties at Honda Xcelerator Ventures, I focus on discovering emerging startups in Asia and Oceania and fostering connections within founders and Honda for strategic collaboration. Prior to joining here, I was involved in strategic alliance development at SoftBank, including due diligence for startup investments, management accouonting, and consideration of deal structures. Before that, I worked at a governmental financial institution, where I was responsible for LP investments in PE and VC across Europe, Asia, and the United States. My enthusiasm lies in cutting-edge technology ventures, particularly those focusing on decarbonization, resource circulation, among others and I’m happy to accelerate Honda’s open innovation initiatives onto the global stage.
Yuri Asahina

I joined Honda R&D as an electrical engineer and was responsible for research and development in the power products area, including the robotic lawnmower Miimo, as well as strategic planning in the planning office for over 10 years. After completing an MBA in graduate school, I launched the open innovation program “Honda Xcelerator Japan” in 2018 as a member of Honda Innovations to accelerate collaboration with Japanese tech startups.
In 2020, we created the “IGNITION” program to launch spin-off startups from within Honda. The first statup is Ashirase Inc, which provides a walking navigation system for the visually impaired using foot vibration. The second company Striemo Inc, provides three-wheeled micromobility with innovative balance-assist technology. I’ve supported launch, fundraising and value-up with VCs to incubate their business.
In 2023, I returned to this team again. Also we have transformed as Honda Xcelerator Ventures with not only collaboration but also investment activity from Honda headquarters in Tokyo.
Satoshi “Phoenix” Haneda

I work as a liaison between startups and Honda in Japan and the Southeast Asia region. As part of the Honda Xcelerator Ventures program, I scout for future technologies and business models which, and develop partnerships for co-creation and collaboration.
I began my career as an engineer developing mass production power products and performing research and development of new areas such as energy, fuel cell and battery products. I continued in that pursuit for over 10 years.
In addition to my role in Xcelerator, I also belong to the Honda Motor corporate planning department where I engage in business strategy and development. I’m involved in the Honda new business spin-out program called IGNITION. Honda employees’ dreams and ideas that actively create new value for customers are brought to life through this program. Through this combination of roles, I’m able to strongly promote collaboration.
Akihito Yuzuriha

I am responsible for sourcing startups, conducting due diligence, and connecting with founders/investors at Honda Xcelerator Ventures.
Prior to joining Honda, I was an analyst at Tech Square Ventures and director at gener8tor focused on future mobility and smart manufacturing.
My previous experience in the innovation ecosystem has helped me to better serve startups in multiple verticals including mobility, manufacturing, robotics, and sustainability.
I am a proud double badger from Madison, Wisconsin with a Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics.
Hyundo Kwon

Before joining the Honda Xcelerator Ventures team, I was co-founder and chief operating officer of LearningPal, a computer vision startup which was acquired by Ripcord in April 2022. Prior to that, I was the Director of Strategic Partnership of MoBagel, an AutoML startup backed by 500 Global and other top VCs, where I was responsible for global business development and fundraising in U.S., Europe and Japan. I enjoy being deeply embedded in the innovation ecosystem and contribute time to early-stage investment entities, including Oxford Angel Fund and Taiwan Global Angels and mentor at different accelerators including Techstars and Alchemist. I have a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering degree from Oxford and two years of doctoral study at UC Berkeley-UCSF.
Austin Hwang

I love investigating all types of new and unique technologies. With over 20 years of diverse automotive experience in the areas of wireless communications, vehicle automation, active safety, infotainment, and HMI, I have seen almost everything! I have witnessed the car evolve from the cassette player with cruise control to Android Auto with automated driving and everything in between! I hold a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University.
Eric Blumbergs

I strive to find ways to bring strategic investment and partnership opportunities systematically and creatively to Honda. I had previously worked on projects related to autonomous and assisted driving, and robotics. I am excited about the industry transition to a cleaner and safer future. Prior to joining Honda, I led the business and technologies development of joint solutions with startups in the areas of IoT, security, and networking for Cisco. M&A and investment were also part of my Cisco career. I began my career as an engineer and an architect who developed hardware boards and solutions. I enjoy working with the talented professionals at Honda and the dynamic and impactful nature of the job.
Raymond Zheng

I am in charge of sourcing the most innovative and unique European startups serving Honda strategy and development. Born in Paris and based in Berlin, I have a technical background in aerospace engineering, a strong interest for entrepreneurship and its learnings. I’m particularly passionate about climate startups with deep tech approaches in the field of sustainable material sourcing, carbon capture, green manufacturing among other topics.
Aurianne Legris

As the program lead for Europe and Africa, I help the team building connections with the most outstanding startups for Honda Xcelerator Ventures in the region.
Born in Paris and based in Berlin, I have a founder and innovation consulting background and I have built a deep knowledge of the startup ecosystem. I’m particularly passionate about deep tech startups in the fields of energy transition, decarbonization, robotics, and AI.
I believe that entrepreneurs can change the World and I am happy to support visionary founders as part of my everyday job.
Julien Fredonie

As the leader of Honda Xcelerator Ventures activity in Israel I connect Israeli startups with our corporate and aim to facilitate technological collaborations between Honda’s experts and Israeli technologies.
Prior to joining Honda Innovations, I served as a technology scout for an automotive tier 1 focusing on the Israeli innovation ecosystem and held past innovation sourcing positions in the renewable energy, agriculture, and chemical spaces. I hold an MBA in entrepreneurship and innovation from Ben-Gurion University. I like Honda’s technological openness – our Honda Xcelerator Ventures program is aiming for diversified, corporate-wide impact leveraging its global outreach – a truly unique open innovation approach in a traditional automotive industry.
Ben Reuveni

As my duties at Honda Xcelerator Ventures, I focus on discovering emerging startups in Asia and Oceania and fostering connections within founders and Honda for strategic collaboration. Prior to joining here, I was involved in strategic alliance development at SoftBank, including due diligence for startup investments, management accouonting, and consideration of deal structures. Before that, I worked at a governmental financial institution, where I was responsible for LP investments in PE and VC across Europe, Asia, and the United States. My enthusiasm lies in cutting-edge technology ventures, particularly those focusing on decarbonization, resource circulation, among others and I’m happy to accelerate Honda’s open innovation initiatives onto the global stage.
Yuri Asahina

I joined Honda R&D as an electrical engineer and was responsible for research and development in the power products area, including the robotic lawnmower Miimo, as well as strategic planning in the planning office for over 10 years. After completing an MBA in graduate school, I launched the open innovation program “Honda Xcelerator Japan” in 2018 as a member of Honda Innovations to accelerate collaboration with Japanese tech startups.
In 2020, we created the “IGNITION” program to launch spin-off startups from within Honda. The first statup is Ashirase Inc, which provides a walking navigation system for the visually impaired using foot vibration. The second company Striemo Inc, provides three-wheeled micromobility with innovative balance-assist technology. I’ve supported launch, fundraising and value-up with VCs to incubate their business.
In 2023, I returned to this team again. Also we have transformed as Honda Xcelerator Ventures with not only collaboration but also investment activity from Honda headquarters in Tokyo.
Satoshi “Phoenix” Haneda

I work as a liaison between startups and Honda in Japan and the Southeast Asia region. As part of the Honda Xcelerator Ventures program, I scout for future technologies and business models which, and develop partnerships for co-creation and collaboration.
I began my career as an engineer developing mass production power products and performing research and development of new areas such as energy, fuel cell and battery products. I continued in that pursuit for over 10 years.
In addition to my role in Xcelerator, I also belong to the Honda Motor corporate planning department where I engage in business strategy and development. I’m involved in the Honda new business spin-out program called IGNITION. Honda employees’ dreams and ideas that actively create new value for customers are brought to life through this program. Through this combination of roles, I’m able to strongly promote collaboration.
Akihito Yuzuriha
News & Events
ホンダ・イノベーションズ株式会社・Honda Innovations Silicon Valley, Inc. は、Honda Xcelerator Venturesプログラムを推進するHondaのグループ企業です。私たちはHondaの原点でありDNAであるチャレンジャースピリットを持つベンチャー企業と積極的に協業することで、Power of DreamsというHondaのコーポレートスローガンをオープンイノベーションを通じて推進しています。
ホンダ・イノベーションズのミッションは、スタートアップとのオープンイノベーションにより、Honda の長期ビジョンを実現し、人々の生活に新しい価値をもたらすことです。私たちは、出資を含むオープンイノベーション活動を通じて、世界中で革新的なスタートアップとコラボレーションを展開しています。