Helm.ai’s Autonomous Driving AI Featured in Nikkei BP

9月 16, 2024

We’re excited to announce that our portfolio company, Helm.ai, has been featured in Nikkei BP for its groundbreaking work in autonomous driving AI.

We are excited to announce that in a recent issue of Nikkei BP, Honda’s Portfolio company Helm.ai was prominently featured  on 9/9.Their innovative AI models, including GenSim-1, VidGen-1, and WorldGen-1, significantly improve training and validation of self-driving systems. Helm.ai’s core technology focuses on optimizing safety, reducing costs, and addressing challenging driving scenarios (like edge cases) without relying on expensive sensors or manual data labeling, thus pushing the boundaries of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and autonomous vehicle(AV) technology.

To move automated driving development forward more efficiently, the company has combined Deep Teaching technology with its own generative AI model innovations in 2024 to create a model that generates realistic driving scene videos. Most recently, the company has released a number of development tools based on its Generative AI technology to effectively enable training and validation for large-scale automated driving software in a cost-competitive manner.

Examples of development tools based on generative AI technology

  • GenSim-1: An AI model that recreates real-world driving scenarios from collected data, enabling virtual testing and the creation of various driving scenes. This tool is especially useful for training and validating perception software in handling edge cases.
  • VidGen-1: An AI-powered video model that generates realistic driving scenarios from still images or short video clips. It’s essential for training and verifying all components of autonomous driving software, from recognition to path planning, especially in rare driving conditions.
  • WorldGen-1: A cutting-edge AI model that generates highly realistic Lidar point clouds and videos, simulating multi-sensor driving environments. It is instrumental in predicting the movements of autonomous vehicles and surrounding traffic participants, improving the training process for recognition, intent prediction, and path planning.

Helm.ai’s CEO Vlad Voroninski’s leadership continues to push Helm.ai forward in transforming autonomous driving and mobility. We’re excited to support Helm.ai as they continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the autonomous vehicle space.

Read the Nikkei article linked here: https://special.nikkeibp.co.jp/atclh/ONB/24/helm_ai0909/

About Helm.ai

Helm.ai is developing the next generation of AI software for high-end ADAS, Level 4 autonomous driving, and robotic automation. Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Redwood City, CA, the company has re-envisioned the approach to AI software development, aiming to make truly scalable autonomous driving a reality. For more information on Helm.ai, including its products, SDK, and open career opportunities, visit https://www.helm.ai/ or find Helm.ai on LinkedIn.